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Improve Your Home Security with These Great Tips

It may surprise you to learn that the majority of all home invasions are performed by amateurs. While securing your home against professional thieves can be difficult, protecting yourself from these amateur burglars is far simpler. We've compiled a list of some of the best home security tips below.

Of course if your personal security practices are lacking, none of the above tips can help you home security. It's important to remember to close and lock all doors and windows to your home, even if you're only planning on being gone a few minutes. Many amateur thieves walk right into homes where the doors or windows were never locked by the family living there. Living in a rural area, household pets, and similar measures aren't enough; thieves look for property's where the home security is lax so that they'll have an easier time getting in and out.

One way to check your home security is to ask a close friend or family member to come to the house and point out any weak points in your home security which might allow some to gain access. Don't let other members of your household know, so that they'll use the same security practices that they always do when leaving the house. This will help you see where your personal security practices are lacking. For example, if you have an alarm but don't bother setting it when you're “just running down the road,” it can't deter a thief. The same is true of any other purchased security measures. Keep in mind, even though you only plan to be gone a few minutes, emergencies happen. If something keeps you away for longer than expected, you don't want to come home to find your valuables missing and your sense of security destroyed.

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