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Anytime Locksmiths Ashford

At Anytime Locksmiths of Ashford emergency locksmith services as well as standard services keep our technicians busy day and night. From lock picking to key copying or lock replacement our locksmiths work with Chubb, Yale and Banham locks as well as all other brand or non brand lock types.

The town of Ashford is located mainly in the Spelthorne borough but partly in Greater London and we work in the wider area providing lock and key service in Sunbury, Staines and parts of Middlesex and Hounslow.

Your Locksmiths in Ashford 01784 776144

On a typical day an Ashford locksmith in Kent, Surrey may go from an arranged lock change to an office emergency lock out, followed by a scheduled appointment to asses and provide security advice for a new shop. He may then help get a key out of the car ignition or lock pick open a car door where the keys were dropped inside. Whilst eating his dinner he may get a call from a desperate lady whose handbag was stolen and can't get into her house or from a fellow whose home was burgled and needs the locks fixed or even a rekeying job done. After a long tiring day on the go, the locksmith job is not over. Many a night he will get a call at midnight or later by someone on their way back from a party or evening out who is locked out in Kent and in need of help.

It takes lots of patience to do all this and stay friendly and pleasant at all times. At Anytime Locksmiths of Ashford we pride ourselves in 100% customer satisfaction on all work and service provided. Our dedicated Ashford locksmiths use the most up to date techniques and methods to carry out a perfect job with minimal or no damage.

All of our locksmiths in Ashford are fully insured and have years of experience in dealing with lock and keys so you can be rest assured that calling a means getting a professional whatever time of day or night it is.

Our many repeat customers come back to us time and time again because of the quick response time we offer. We aim to respond to any emergency call immediately with a 24-hour locksmith TW15 on site within 20 minutes or less.

Our lock specialists can also advise you on the various ways you can increase the security of your home or property. While one of our technicians is with you why not take the opportunity to get professional advice and minimise the chances of a break in. Often a couple of small changes or tips at a minimal cost can deter or prevent burglaries.

Anytime Locksmiths
| Phone: 01784 776144
| Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day
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