Anytime Locksmiths of Norwood
At Anytime Locksmiths of Norwood we have emergency locksmiths on call 24 hours a day seven days a week to help with lock outs, jammed locks, post burglary damage and other lock and key emergencies. Anytime Locksmiths deal with both commercial locksmiths providing high security locks, fixing and installing keyless, electronic and digital locks, as well as providing home security to residential clients.
Lock Picking
For those times you get locked out of the house, are locked out of car or lost the keys to your filing cabinet or safe. Professional technicians with experience carry out this work in a non destructive manner wherever possible. In most cases we can open the lock without leaving any sign behind.
Lock Change
If you have moved into a new home in South London or think someone may have a copy of your key, it is wise to change your locks to ensure your security is not compromised. Lock change may involve changing the cylinder, installing a complete new locking system or carrying out a rekeying job. Re keying locks is sometime carried out when a client wants to upgrade an existing lock to a better one or change to a digital or electric locking system.
Lock Repair
If your lock has been forced open and damaged or has become stiff with time, we can repair your lock and save you money on installing or replacing the lock. Over time your door or frame may move slightly causing the lock to become difficult to lock. We can realign the lock and oil it for smoother locking. If you have had a breaking and the lock is damaged our experts can fix the lock or change parts for better security.
Key Cutting/ Key Duplicating
It is advisable to have an extra key in the event your key gets lost or stolen. It is also a good idea for a neighbour or relative to hold a copy of your key in the event you get locked out your house. As your kids grow up or when a family relative comes to stay you may want an extra key to give them. Key copying should be carried out by professional locksmiths to ensure a perfect copy is made. Brand name keys are often impossible to copy without the special master key card. This is a safety precaution in the event you lend someone a copy you are assured they cannot make a copy of the key. In the event you have lost all your keys, Anytime Locksmiths of Norwoods may be able to cut you a new key based on the lock.
If you want new locks without having to change the existing ones, we can alter the lock so that a new key operates it instead of the existing one. This is called re keying and does not require replacing the entire lock. It is usually done by changing the tumbler or wafer configuration of the lock so a new key will function while the old one will not. Since it is significantly cheaper than lock replacement it is quite popular.
Anytime Locksmiths of Norwood Service
South London's multi ethnic population has a history of very high crime rate. In 2001 Lambeth was reported as having the highest rates of robberies in London. If you live or work in Brixton, Streatham, Tulse Hill, Clapham Park, Balham or any other district in South East or South West your security should be a number one priority. Don't learn from mistakes, prevent them! Call your trustworthy Anytime Locksmiths of Norwood now!
Anytime Locksmiths
| Phone: 020 7993 6160
| Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day
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